Black Lives Matter
The news today is incredibly troubling. To us as an organization, community, and individuals. The murder of George Floyd bothers us to the core, not just because Black lives matter but because its the continuation of a broken justice system rooted in systemic racism in this country.
Gehenna Gaming was built, from day one, on a foundation of inclusivity, respect, safety, and community for all. Black, Brown, Latinx, Asian, White, Trans, Cis, Gay, Bi, Ace, Straight, Heathen, Jewish, Pagan, Christian, Satanist, Athiest, Agnostic. Everyone is welcome at the gaming table as long as you are welcoming to everyone else.
This is where change starts, but it's not where it ends. We need real, deep change, down to the core of our nation. And we need it yesterday. We need it for George Floyd. We need it for Atatiana Jefferson. We need it for Philando Castile. We need it for Trayvon Martin. We need it for Duanna Johnson. We need it for Lateisha Green. We need it for every child afraid to go to school. We need it for every person who has ever been taunted, jeered at, bullied, or mocked for the color of their skin or sexual orientation, simply for trying to live their life.
Our game tables, our Discord, our Twitch channel, our community, will always be a safe place for EVERYONE.